Out of all the professions, there is one which stands out for its remarkable contribution to the society as a whole. It is that of Education Professionals. Indeed, it is one of the noble professions in the world. Their profession is demanding and equally rewarding and perhaps it is the only profession which shows the beacon of knowledge and spreads the light of education for a better tomorrow. They play a vital role in shaping the world and through education can make the world a better place to live.
The change this profession can bring through their passion, commitment, dedication and sheer patience is incredible. Teachers at all levels may it be primary, secondary, higher face challenges of varied nature but they all aim to deliver the same result making the end user i.e., the student enriched with knowledge and make them proficient in leading a successful and purposeful live ahead.
This profession has always worked hard and sincerely for the betterment and welfare of the society and have remained the unsung heroes of the society. To keep up the good work that this profession offers to the society and to ensure that they have the necessary resource to help them perform and deliver to best of their ability, the developed nations have recognised the need for continuous professional development and support programme to help them throughout their professional career and there are widespread opportunities available to teaching professionals. This has helped them to adopt effective delivery mechanism besides innovative and inspirational teaching strategies for knowledge transfer in developed nations.
On the contrary, in the developing countries, these opportunities are rare and not accessible to majority of the teaching community who have the potentials and in depth knowledge but sadly have not been privileged enough to have these opportunities to become aware of effective delivery mechanism and thought provoking, innovative teaching strategies so that they can transfer their knowledge more effectively and efficiently.
Considering the importance of the role played by teachers in delivering education to students at all levels Education Development Foundation acknowledges that the facilities and opportunities for professional development should be made accessible and readily available to all those who are involved in teaching so that they can seek support, help, guidance and resource for their development both personally and professionally.
We are working towards this end and have developed a Programme for Professional Enhancement (PPET) for all those involved in teaching professionals. The programme looks at ways by which both professional excellence and success can be achieved. The programme is open to teachers, teaching assistants, carers, volunteers involved in teaching, head teachers and support staff at all levels.
To be a high performer it is necessary to appreciate the need for continuous personal and professional development. To be successful in any profession, one has to be passionate about what they are doing. It is important that they have clear goals and objectives which will help them achieve professional excellence.
PPET aims at initiating a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires and enables teaching professionals to maximize their personal and professional potential. PPET has been developed to help teachers deliver to best of their ability and help educational institutions improve the quality of service it offers to the community at large. The programme has two facets as it will benefit the education professionals on one hand and the educational institutions on the other.